Sunday 22/01/06

Dreich, wet and grey today. Breakfast at 10, then spend the day updating the diary and writing up yarns as quoted by mrs B's brother-in-law. I cannot publish them. Very quiet, hardly any traffic on the road, apart from pre-church traffic. A man drove past in his car, with a trilby on his head. Read the papers, watch some telly and watch the rain. Lasagna for supper. Television had a good program about Elizabeth I, and about the good work being done by the crew of HMS Chatham at Sri Lanka, in the aftermath of the Boxing Day 2004 tsunami. Late to bed, as per normal.

1 comment:

ADB said...

May I ask what a trilby is? I really have no clue as to what that is. Great entry though. I sure wish I could hear those stories from Mrs. B's brother in law!
Comment from yankeygr - 26/01/06 01:27