Wednesday 12/04/06

The morning is very wet. After lunch, the rain stops, but the wind increases. The paper is full of Calmac's woes. Passengers criticise the captain of the Isle of Lewis for sailing last Saturday. Three people were injured on the evening crossing, when the ship was hit by a big wave 12 miles east of Stornoway. Calmac have defended their captain, saying it was blowing northwesterly force 6 on sailing, but it increased to galeforce during the crossing. Further south, there will be an airservice between Oban and the islands of Coll, Tiree and Colonsay. Closer to home, the pavements on Newton Street are being improved. Went into town to update the Iolaire list in the library and get some shopping in. Mrs B is giving the kitchen a springclean. Find a webcam at Eoropie, which shows some spectacular seas from the wee tearoom opposite the playpark. My webcam is giving unreliable service as Camstreams (provider) has trouble with its servers. During the evening, some showers pass through, which leave some spectacular rainbows. The wind gusts to 40 knots, force 9. Ferry comes in on time though.

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