Monday 02/10/06

Muirneag is late in this morning, 9.30 instead of the normal 8 am. Mrs B leaves for the week at 10.30, with me holding the fort until she returns. I go to Somerfields for some paper and food, then keep myself occupied through this journal and other activities. I am visiting a patient in the hospital this week, so I hop up there on the local bus, carrying goods for entertaining the person concerned. Autumnwatch is on BBC2 this week, and among other things it focuses on the red deer colony on the Isle of Rum, 80 miles south of here.

1 comment:

ADB said...

I love Autumnwatch, I watched all of Springwatch as well. I have been following the deer on the Isle of Rum. Hope that patient is doing well and I am sure your visit will cheer them up.
#1 Comment from jeanno43 - 05/10/06 18:08