Wednesday 27/09/06

Reasonably nice start to the day, but cloudcover rapidly increases on the approach of yet another front. The Philippines are bracing themselves for Typhoon Xangsane, which will hit Manila hard with strong winds and heavy rain. Otherwise, it's quiet on the hurricane front. We have 3 workmen in, two of whom start work not long after 7 am. As the day progresses, I start to develop a cold, so when I go to Somerfields I get a supply of peppermints in to soothe the throat. Supper tonight was a bit of a flop, as the power supply conked out - that is, the voltage was less than it should have been. So, the microwaveable meal was cooked for 5 minutes, but was underdone. Sunset at 7.15. As the evening progresses, the wind picks up, and the resultant gale and rain buffet the house all night.

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