Sunday 24/12/06 - Christmas Eve

Cloudy day with a moderate wind, which makes it feel quite cold. Temperature 7C. Bondo is passing down the northwestern coast of Madagascar, with winds forecast at 120 mph. Brunch is bacon & eggs. Go out for a walk to the Coastguard Station and on to the Battery. We return down Rigs Road to Island Road, and from there to the filling station to see how busy that is on Sunday. Very busy. The other petrol station, on Rigs Road, is closed. On return mrs B warms up her black & blue fingers (cold!). Prepare for dinner which is served at 8pm. Start with a prawn cocktail, a lasagna as main course and a sweet after. Sit down by the fire with a coffee. Upload more than 400 pics to FlickR. Watch the Watchnight Service from Rosslyn Chapel near Edinburgh on BBC1, which neatly takes us into Christmas Day 2006.

1 comment:

ADB said...

I thought the gas station looked rather busy. You sure do have some splendid meals. The island always looks lovely. Chris
#2 Comment from cacklinrosie101 - 27/12/06 10:29

The clouds are gorgeous!~~Pam
#1 Comment from lanurseprn - 27/12/06 02:35